
Music Mondays: Brooke Fraser


New Zealand native Brooke Fraser has a breathy and heartfelt voice that will get stuck in your head in a real good way. Watch {this} video for a delightful start to your week; Something in the Water from her third album, Flags. Visit her website {here}.

p.s. Thank you Reclaimed Fashionista for interviewing me on the topic of thrifting.  


Nikolett said...

Ahh love Brooke Fraser! Her third album didn't hook me as much as her second, but she is undeniably talented and "Something in the Water" is so so catchy. Such a happy tune for a Monday :)

Sarah Barrow said...

oh, i LOVE LOVE LOVE Brooke Fraser!!! so wonderful

Unknown said...

She is so gorgeous!!!

JenCop said...

Thanks for the tip! Just found your blog and I'm loving your style (as if you haven't noticed with my million comments! he he)

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