"If you are bored, you are probably a boring person."
You may take this quote many different ways. Let me tell you how I interpret this.
First off, I don't believe in being bored. Saying you are "bored" is saying that you are not in control of how you respond to your environment. The fact is, we are all in control of how we react to our environment. If you are bored, then be proactive about your situation. Get creative, listen up, learn something new, or just be still. We live in a world of entertainment, distraction, and instant gratification. I challenge us all to take a step back, be still, and be okay with it.
So how does being bored make you a boring person? My thoughts; if you can't entertain yourself, how are you going to entertain others? Being "bored" is not being at peace with your environment. If you aren't at peace with your environment then change it, or learn to accept or adapt. And that's my two cents for the day.
Your thoughts?
I love your take on being bored, Rachael! I'm big on always finding something interesting to notice or do.
xo Josie
I absolutely agree! Also, being bored is taken to a whole other level when it is said to others. When someone (usually little people) say "I'm bored", I tend to think, "you need to learn some manners". And when adults say it, I think "what? are you 8?" I find the proclaimation of bordom incredibly rude.
I definitely agree! Being bored is when you A) have no interests/hobbies to keep you busy or B) are not content with being yourself.
i like this.
that was nice.
I like your style...
This is a brilliant theory. Although I have met people who claim that they're crazy and they're boring too. LOL. In my case, I'm boring and I know it.
I love this quote and how you explain your opinion, totally agree!
I agree about people who get bored. They need a hobby, second job or should volunteer their time at the local animal shelter. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo Nice to meet you.
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