
Weekend Wonderment: Indoor Sky Diving


This weekend my husband and I went indoor sky diving and indoor surfing.  It was an adventure.  Balancing on air as we floated up and down in a giant glass tube, I must say that is a first for me. As for surfing, indoors definitely has different elements to it. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.  May it be filled with new adventures.


Barbara von Enger said...

This sounds thrilling but I can't imagine doing it;-)
I prefer to balance in life. lol
Glad you enjoyed.

Haylee said...

Indoor sky diving? I had no idea there was such a thing. It sounds awesome though.
There is this new place by my house that has indoor surfing and I've wanted to try it. Does it hurt when you crash? That's what has kept me from trying it out because I've heard the water is so powerful that it can give you bruises.. ha which makes me think I might just wait for my next trip to Hawaii to surf. :)

Liesl said...

Have fun!!! A friend of mine runs one of those over at Universal and I always tell him I am going to try it some time! :) Glad you had a lovely adventure and hope you have a Super Sunday!

Liesl :)

Natalie said...

Indoor skydiving sounds a lot less terrifying than actual skydiving, haha, but I bet it was just as fun! Definitely one of those things that you have to add to your bucket list at some point. :D

Courtlyn Ash said...

I think the closest ill ever get to sky diving would be indoors! Im not a fan of heights! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend <3


Claire Kiefer said...

How crazy and exciting! The surfing, especially, sounds enticing to me. I want to see pictures!

Jesslyn Amber said...

Oh my gosh! That sounds so awesome! :)

Unknown said...

Wow. That's really intense. Both two things I don't think I would EVER consider trying. Perhaps I'll have to consider it?

jessica // union shore said...

what a fun filled weekend! i've always wanted to indoor skydive... super jealous right now! lol

heather said...

oh how interesting! indoor skydiving... how do you even do that? haha

walking dot photography said...

Oooo, I've been wanting to do that for ages! Sounds like a blast! :) How long did you get to do it for?

Josie said...

This sounds like so much fun! You're sooo adventurous, Rachael!
xo Josie

E. Charlotte said...

That sounds cool!! :)

Claire Marie said...

Oh wow, sounds like a lot of fun! I'm not sure I'd have the guts to try it... but there is an indoor skydiving place quite near me... hmm! Actually quite tempted now!?

Claire Marie x

Tsuki aka LittleGrayFox said...

Ooh I'm so jealous! I've been wanting to try that forever! they keep talking about building one of those indoor parks here but haven't done it yet :(

how fun!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Sounds like a LOT of fun! :-)

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

Sounds freakin awesome.

Lisa xx

Sarah B said...

It sounds like a blast - you lucky thing!!

Katie Marie said...

So much fun!!! Where did you do this!?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a lot of fun!

Ken said...

i love indoor surfing~!

janis said...

How fun! I didn't even know such a thing existed!!

Anonymous said...

How fun!

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