
Weekend Wonderment: Spring Cleaning


Ah it's that time again, for spring cleaning.  I know a lot of vintage inspired ad's can draw on the traditional and sometimes sexist notion that women are the ones who clean the home.  

In my home, both my husband and I have full-time jobs and we both clean the house.  I cook and my husband does the dishes (because he dislikes cooking and I dislike washing dishes).  All other chores we share, like laundry and picking up around the house.  Saturday we plan to clean together.  I feel it is important to share the responsibility of having a clean home.  

How do things work in your home?  If you are married or not, how do you split up the chores?


m_b said...

i used to get upset that manu didn't take the initiative to clean more - then i realized, oh yeah he's a boy. he really could live in a dusty, disorganized house and not care. alas, i clean and enjoy it. i like to see things in their place. makes me feel more together.

Jade said...

We both work also so take turns doing stuff - we spend the same amount of time cleaning but I am much faster at getting through tasks and he is much more thorough - great for spring cleaning but when people are about the arrive it's me who the last minute run around.

I actually enjoy spring cleaning, I have a checklist each year and run through it. There's something rewarding about putting a tick in that box!!

Scientific Housewife said...

Because I have serious OCD, I do most of the chores around the house (I also get home 2 hours before the hubby and have a day off each week) but he still has some chores that he does, after I remind him of course :)

Mizdragonfly said...

It's still too early here for Spring cleaning, it has to wait in mid-April :/

I really can't complain for house chores; the husbands cooks and manages the dishwasher, and we split the cleaning tasks. Gives me more time to work in my studio! :)

Have a great weekend!


Ashley said...

When my husband and I were both working and in school, we shared chores (although I tended to cook and clean up the kitchen more because I enjoy it most...at least the cooking part!).

Now that I am job searching and he is working full-time, I have been doing most of the chores from laundry to cooking to picking up the house each day and taking care of grocery shopping, the mail, etc. However, he ALWAYS vacuums and does the floors (he LOVES it--weirdo *lol*), and he often dusts and cleans the showers/bathtubs. He also does more of the outdoor chores like salting and shoveling the driveway. We rent, so we don't have to do the yard. :)

Elle Sees said...

i have certain tasks i dislike, so we divide it that way.

Molly Page said...

That ad is cracking me up!
We, like you guys, split up the cooking/dishes in our house too. I'm so blessed to have a hubby that takes care of the lion's share of the house work. Who knew I'd get so lucky??

Leaving the House in THIS?!?!

E. Charlotte said...

I look forward to spring cleaning and have always found a certain amount of contentment in keeping my space neat and tidy. My sister doesn't share the same joy in it! She is my only roommate, so I do most of the house cleaning. It keeps me calm, and in turn makes her happy. So it works out well!

Amber said...

i usually end of up doing most of the cleaning but only because I am anal about it...we have the same routine as you two when it comes to cooking...i cook and he washes :)

k said...

We share everything too! So happy to have found a man who is sexy like that :)

Jessie said...

My husband is in charge of trash, dishes (though that one he slacks on.. a lot) and the majority of outdoor, and home repair projects. I definitely clean the most, do laundry and also work full time.... My husband and I have different standards of "clean" so I end up cleaning more haha.


Marcie said...

I couldn't agree more. Jimmy and I both work full time too and we share the chores. Nothing makes me happier than a clean home. :)


Signe said...

Me and Cas shares everything but nowadays I have a full time job and he does not so I does practically nothing around the house!
Let me tell you - I could get use to having a 'stay at home man' :)


Anonymous said...

Funny! I spent ALL day spring cleaning my home! It felt fabulous :)

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

Haha, love the photo! I totally clean in my ballet pointe shoes!

We split our chores too - I cook, he cleans!

x Jasmine

PS. I've started a second blog - a gluten free one. I thought you or your friend who is gluten free might be interested!

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

we're pretty much the same - i do whatever he dislikes, and vice versa. he loves to vaccuum - true story!

L said...

i like the message of your blog...simple and sweet. Adding you to my feed :-)

Anna Bananna said...

Nize photo !
Love your blog.
Greets, photonewt

SILVIA said...

so cute!!
i absolutely in love with you blog!

Angelina said...

I love cleaning the home!

Sandy a la Mode said...

me and my husband both cook but when one cooks the other does the dishes! i usually do the laundry and my hubby takes care of yard work. we both HATE cleaning!!!

LCR said...

i just had to stop and say i love your blog design and the feelin' goin on here.
chores. ugh.. you mean they're supposed to be split up and actually done?? (that about answers the question. heh.)

Jen Hsieh said...

I'm quite in love with that vintage ad - especially with all the lime green and the silly ballet shoes! If only I could do my chores while dancing. :P

I should really get around to doing some spring cleaning in my apt.

Unknown said...

oh I solve that by just not cleaning. haha ;) yes I am quite the lazy bum, but I am totally inspired this spring to do some deep cleaning!


Unknown said...

Good luck on the spring cleaning!!!

Hi!!! I haven't been here in so long. Bad Amy!!!!!! How have you been? Any new travels? I hope you're doing well.

Rope Bracelet GIVEAWAY!

Anonymous said...

we have a saturday cleaning date too! and yes, we share the household chores as well. although im a stay-at-home-mom, my husband is always helping out around the home :) good luck with your cleaning! music is the only thing that gets us through :)



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