
Weekend Review: Snow Cave

Let me start off by saying, never again.  Things were going great until about two thirty in the morning.  We arrived at the top of Farmington Canyon at about  4PM and began to dig ourselves a little nook in the side of the mountain.  The snow was deep, 15 feet or so. Digging and building the cave was fun and hard work.  We finished the cave at about seven or so and began to lay out our tarps and gear.  We changed into dry clothes and snuggled up in our sleeping bags.  We even cooked dinner in our "new home".

We had a great time playing "would you rather" and talking about random subjects until we finally fell asleep.  At two thirty, everyone woke up.  Something was wrong, we all knew it.  All four of us began to inspect the snow cave.  One side of the cave was bulging in.  The cave was getting smaller.  I jumped up and moved our packs away from the door (AKA hole we crawled in and out of).  We were snowed in, and the weight of the snow was effecting our cave. It was then we decided to dig our way out and "sleep" in the car. The thought of the cave collapsing on top of us made us all uncomfortable.   We didn't really sleep in the 17 degree temperature in the car.

Morning came a few hours later.  We attempted to get off the snow covered mountain to no avail.  We were stuck, only twenty feet from where we had parked at the top of the mountain. We ended up having three burly (and I mean burly) snowmobilers help us get our vehicle out of the snow.  Our second attempt we made it a little further, about half a mile, before getting stuck again.

Luckily angels were sent our way; a man with a big truck and the three burly snowmobilers were there to help us get out of our situation.  We finally made it home at about three in the afternoon with frozen toes, soggy clothes, and a grateful yet exhausted spirit.  Would I do it again?  No.  Do I regret doing it?  No. I built and slept in a snow cave.  Once in my life is good enough for me!  I hope you all had a marvelous weekend!

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Claire said...

How exciting! (not the being snowed in bit) We went camping in the snow once,(but not as much as you had haha) in a tent. We had so many clothes on that we couln't move haha it was ok til i woke up needing the loo.

Josie said...

I'm glad you don't regret it -- but I'm not going to lie, if someone ever suggested that I do this, I'd run away screaming. Glad you made it out okay!
xo Josie

Free Pretty Things For You said...

girlfriend you made my heart sink!!
SO relived to know your OK!!

shopgirl said...

Looks like a great time despite the snow-in. I love the photos of the the night and snow. It reminds me of when I used to participate in a 5 to 6 hour Thanksgiving hike every year and each time I did it, it would rain or snow and turn the little creeks into raging rivers and I would be soaked to the skin. I would complain the whole time, but loved it anyways!

A big hug to you sweetie!

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

Apart from the scares you had that sounds awesome! I've never seen snow, so these pictures delight me :)

x Jasmine

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, being snowed in and stuck on that mountain sounds pretty scary to me! I can only imagine how freezing you guys must have been. O: But I'm glad you all managed to make it out with all of your toes still intact, haha. :) And it does look like it was really fun while it lasted!

Nicki said...

Oh my gosh! I am SO glad that you guys are safe!

Scientific Housewife said...

That looks like so much fun! Glad you got out okay!

Courtney B said...

I was just going to ask if those ever "cave-in" what a crazy and memorable experience!
You guys have so many adventure's it's awesome!
So glad you are safe and warm now :)

Courtney B said...

I was just going to ask if those ever "cave-in" what a crazy and memorable experience!
You guys have so many adventure's it's awesome!
So glad you are safe and warm now :)

Lilacandgrey said...

WOW! And I thought me trying zip-lining was adventurous!

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

whoa! that's intense! thank goodness you made it out ok!!

but serisouly - how cool are these photos?!

Unknown said...

The photos are brilliant, but I agree it is damn cold and staying there for the night would be hell for me - freeze!


Vanessa said...

Oh my, what a crazy experience! I give you props for trying it out as I'm too much of a wuss to do that! 8)

Sonja said...

Woah! That sounds intense!
It's amazing that you've had that experience though! What a great story!
...but I do understand why you wouldn't do it again! haha
Thanks for sharing! :o)

Anh Ngo said...

Aw, this sounds like an adventure! And like you said, at least you can say that you gave it a shot. :) Glad to hear that you are safe and sound!


E. Charlotte said...

What a fantastic story! How spooky though at 2:30 in the morning! I love that you built a snow cave though. Well done! :)

Mizdragonfly said...

You DID it once... I don't even THINK about doing it - ever! So congrats! :)


Mizdragonfly said...

You DID it once... I don't even THINK about doing it - ever! So congrats! :)


Amber said...

oh man that does not sound like a good time, luckily you guys woke up and the cave didnt fall in. I dont think I will be snow caving it anytime soon :)

Anna @ IHOD said...

What a cool experience! Looks absolutely amazing!
Thanks for sharing:)

k said...

that is totally awesome that you guys slept in there! well, the ending wasn't awesome, but that is such a fun adventure :)

Karena said...

Oh my gosh what an experience! The images are certainly amazing!

Art by Karena

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Unknown said...

Oh my GOODNESS that looks like sooo much fun, but kinda cold:-) I would love an adventure like that!

Fun fun!

Sandy a la Mode said...

wow!! you are sooo brave!! i have to admit it looks kinda fun but i wouldn't do it, i'm not that big of a fan of cold haha!!!

Anonymous said...

How pretty, and FUN!

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