
Winter Photo Shoot

I have been dying to do a photo shoot for my shop with real people at a fun setting.  Since it is freezing in Utah and it gets dark fast I bought a dress form to photograph items in my shop 'til spring.  I personally like photographing my items on real people because people bring it to life.  Models add personality and give more inspiration to how to wear the article of clothing.  I feel the photos are more enjoyable to look at as well.  

So, my model Jessi braved the cold yesterday and we took pictures at a quaint old building in downtown Salt Lake City.  Soon after a snow storm rolled in.  It was warm(er), then windy, and then stormy.  Luckily we hit the "warmer" part for the shoot.  So, what do you prefer?  Do you prefer clean white backgrounds with a dress form to show off vintage clothing?  Or a real model showing the dress with a lively background?

(not all items shown are in the store just yet, but you can find the scarf and green pencil skirt here)


Thelma Frayne said...

Such a beautiful model!


Stacey said...

Gorgeous model and love the location!

Laura @ Sawan-Heaven said...

Lovely model!

I enjoy seeing real people model clothes since it helps give an idea as to how the clothes move.

I enjoy seeing scenery as well as plain backdrops.

Christianna said...

I love pictures with models! I think they say a lot more. But on the other hand sometimes a clean background get the point across better. So I guess it depends on the item of clothing :)

P.S. I'm am holding a giveaway on my page, Join in if you would like!


Mizdragonfly said...

Love love love the pics! As long as the background isn't too busy (brick and concrete walls are just fine), I say stick with this winning combo :)


m_b said...

i've been working on our "modem" shop site and we've been tackling the same dilemma - real people or mannequins? i like both, depending on the item. sometimes a beautiful necklace on the form is gorgeous but then again a dress almost always looks better on a person. i think you shouldn't limit yourself! try both if you can!

Alea said...

When I'm buying something on etsy or looking for something I like to see both. I won't buy something unless I can see the whole thing, but I also like to see it "in use." Especially with clothing, I think it is great to see it on a person (and it helps to have a beautiful model like jessi!)

melifaif said...

I agree with Alea. But, with that being said - I LOVE your photos of your clothing. I think it well represents the articles. And I love your bold, yet not too busy backgrounds. Keep doing your thing, you ROCK!

Glamloving said...

Lovely !


Josie said...

Love this shoot! The background is phenomenal. And your model is a trooper!
xo Josie

Natalie said...

I love all of the gorgeous skirts paired with the belts! The model is lovely; I definitely prefer her with the background rather than the dress form and everything.

Sarah B said...

Great shots Rachael. I much prefer the model shots over ones on a manequin. So much more life! (to state the obvious!!)

Suyinsays said...

this girl is gorgeous - and i love all the pieces!
lots of love


Marcie said...

Awesome! You have a really great friend to brave the cold! Those skirts are awesome, Rachael!

xo Marcie
ps- stop by tomorrow, I am hosting my first giveaway ever and it is L'Occatine :)

Amber said...

this turned out great, your model is brave for going out in that in the cold! I much prefer shoots with a background to show off clothes rather than the standard white wall

Jenni Austria Germany said...

she has an awesome body. and i love both skirts and that belt.

Claire said...

I like real models, poor her though in the cold, you'll have to buy her some thermals to go underneath! :)

the chirpy bird said...

Real models, real background 100%!
Unless of course you have Heidi Klum as an option and then that changes things a little :)
xx tash

Elisa said...

i love to see your items on real people. you have a beautiful model, she totally rocks the red lipstick and she had a smile on despite the cold weather!

Anonymous said...

The model is very pretty, and i love her hint of colorful outfit pieces!

STYLE'N said...

I saw these on your store when I was browsing and I love the items in your store right now. And the second picture is my favorite!

Caroline said...

I love everything about these photos!!! And, that lime green skirt is BEAUTIFUL!

little luxury list said...

Definitely cooler with a model!

Chelsea said...


rebecca said...

awesome awesome. love the clothes, and the girl wearing them!

shopgirl said...

I definitely enjoy the live background! Keep em' coming sweetie!

Janelle said...

You are a great photographer! Film? My husband is also a photographer. I love to see art in the form of a picture. Thanks for sharing!

Heather Taylor said...

Lively background, though either one works great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just legendary! Your publishing manner is pleasing and the way you dealt the subject with grace is admirably. I am intrigued, I presume you are an expert on this topic. I am subscribing to your future updates from now on.

Find Maeberry Vintage Clothing Store online at maeberryvintage.etsy.com or at our Salt Lake City, Utah location 207 East Broadway (300 South) in the lower level of Now & Again.