
How To-esday: Yarn Ball Decor

Who doesn't love the whimsical yarn ball decorations?  If you answered "me" to this question, know I think you are crazy.  Or a man.  Meaning crazy all the same.  Anyways, I find these would be perfect for a wedding or an all-out-party of some sort.  You can find the tutorial {here} in the {Ruche} blog.   The yarn balls were used in their {holiday lookbook} as well {these} love mixed media streamers.  Now go and do.


Sharon said...

Hi there-what a wonderful look! Thanks so much for stopping by too! x

Anonymous said...

those are adorable..want them all! ;)



little luxury list said...

Aww how fun and perfect!

Thelma Frayne said...

I LOVE the title of this post. I'll look forward to Tuesdays from now on.

m_b said...

adorable! these could be done for any type of occasion no? spring colors for a wedding or red for christmas...love!

Scientific Housewife said...

Those look so fun!

Natalie said...

Those are so neat! I kinda want to try making them. :D

Anonymous said...

Totally fun! I will check out the tutorial. xo

Mizdragonfly said...

I could definitely use some of these in my studio, it'd be perfect!


Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea! thanks for sharing this :)

Shay said...

You are hilarious- I am so glad that I am not crazy...or a man! ha! Those are so neat, thanks for the tutorial!

tifsong said...

guess what? i'm having yarn balls at my wedding. :) for real. they're already made!

Signe said...

These are amazing :)

Nicola said...

These are so lovely! I think I shall definitely have a go:) x

Amber said...

i think i saw something like this on the nate show, cute idea

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i think i love that outfit even more than the crafts!

Josie said...

These are so fun and that first photo is fab!
xo Josie

Diana Mieczan said...

They are so amazing..I would love to make a few:)
Happy Tuesday,sweetie

Wild Tea Party said...

Ah the ever popular twine ball decoration!I'm not a huge fan personally, but I know lots of people that are!

Thanks for stopping my blog,I'm loving having a read through the past entries!


OneCraftyFox said...

These are fabulous!! At the moment I am really into pom pom puffs :)

Nuha said...

I've been obsessed with these after seeing them on Martha Stewart. She added glitter for extra oomph. Have you seen these as lights? Just gorgeous!

whitdastrup said...

ooh la la. i am swooning over them. after classes tonight i think i will be making a trip to the yarn store!!

LifestyleBohemia said...

I love this! What a fun way to decorate and so unique! I am definitely book marking the tutorial for future use.
Thanks for sharing!

Claire said...

These are great! Not sure if I could get them past Mr D though....

Anonymous said...

What a great idea and simple decoration. Thanks for sharing!

Classy & Fabulous

Alexis Kaye said...

those are way cool! Thanks!

Giveaway on my blog today!

Unknown said...

Ummm yeah I love this!!! Will have to try my hand at it, bookmaarking!

Also grabbing your button for your blog (already have your shop!), and why didn't I do this earlier?! You rock, thanks for being such a great blog buddy!

ALSO let's talk about me doing a giveaway here sometime soon!

Lily Riani said...

always wanted to wear something like this but i dont have the height

Death By Shoe said...

Haha I laughed when you mentioned a man. I have a bowl of yarn balls on my coffee table and my husband loves to bug me by throwing them for the dog LOL.


Livy said...

I love them! they would look really pretty hanging from the ceiling!

S and O said...

Well I guess I'm very sane then, because I love those decorations! :)
I really would love to try this out...

Unknown said...

Tissue papers are totally out and yarn balls are in! Love them.

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I'd have to agree:

yarn = adorable

man = crazy


Justine said...

I want one of these things!

Just Better Together is having a giveaway!

shopgirl said...

I love these Rachael! They're so beautiful! This is something I'd definitely like to try.

Thanks sweetie!
Hope you're having a fantastic day!

Jess Cole said...

They look awesome!
Thanks for sharing, this will be my next craft project!

πλέξε Λόλα, πλέξε said...

i eally liked your yarn balls and i used them as inspiration picture to one of my posts. check it out: http://heartcoretoys.blogspot.gr/2012/06/tangled-eggs-yarn-balls.html if you mind please contact me and i'll delete it

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