
Rain Rain Go Away

It rained as I drove to work this morning.  Now it's bright and sunny.  If I would have slept in I would have never known the earth was blanketed in the skies tears.  When it rains, I feel like I must dress for the occasion, like a funeral or something.  To me, rain brings a quite calming sense, almost a sadness.  Maybe more of a state of contemplation.  Either way, I feel different when it rains.  Do you feel it too?

{Dress from Marimekko}


Lara said...

i love the rain! it definitely gives the world a more relaxed feel.

Unknown said...

i think it all depends on mood - if ur already in a sad place, the rain will just intensify it - i actually LOVE the rain - i really do .. something calming and begining about it all ..

Anonymous said...

i agree but i love the rain. specially when I'm staying in :)

Blair McLeod said...

rainy days can be the best! especially when i don't have to work and can curl up and watch a movie or read with a cup of tea! and especially when then hubs can curl up with me!!

p.s. have you seen my "vlog" today?

Amanda Wissmann said...

I love the rain. I miss it incredibly! {It doesn't rain here, in Peru..the closest we get is a nasty mist that only makes the sidewalks barely wet for an hour or so, ick!}

Im praying for a good downpour or thunderstorm when we visit the states in a few weeks.

I do feel different on rainy days too!

Kristen said...

I do feel it... I tend to love the rain though. A nice pair of rain boots and a rain slicker... happiness.

Unknown said...

Being in Seattle I looove the rain, in moderation:-) I love the smell when it first starts raining!

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

I feel depressed when it rains :(
Which reminds me I need to get rainboots this weekend!


Claire Kiefer said...

Normally I hate the rain--I like to be outside and flit around and not get wet and see the sun shining--but right now I could seriously go for a rainy day. I grew up in Georgia, where there are lots of thunderstorms. We don't get them in San Francisco! That's one of the things I miss most about the south--loud, scary thunderstorms. If I could be at home on my couch with a book and a hot chocolate, a rainy thunderstorm would be perfect!

Amber said...

I love it when it rains...i think its the sounds the really soothes me

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

it's funny - i feel completely different about the rain now that i've lived in seattle awhile. i now love when the skies look 'moody.' plus, all the gray days make the super sunny ones extra special. :)

(lovin' that coat! thanks for stopping by my blog. :) )

Sonja said...

Yes! I definitely feel different with weather changes, I work sooo slowly when it's yucky and rainy outside! Plus I always get headaches when it rains , hehe such a granny.

This outfit awesome though, cause it's inspired by rain, but it's not sad! hehe perfect

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I used to like rain a lot more...Now the dude goes bonkers if he can't play outside. Le sigh.

S and O said...

I don't really feel much towards the rain but I love the days just after it stops when the air smells fresh and clean.


Unknown said...

I love the rain! It makes me relaxed and makes me think of happy times of just cuddeling in the couch with a good book. I love to read. xx

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I usually love it, but other times it does make me feel sad. Or relaxed. I guess it just depends what mood I am in.
That picture is so cute with the rain drops!

Zabrinah said...

I totally agree! Rain makes me feel like I should dress for the occassion!

I love the image.

Best wishes from one blogger to another,


Anonymous said...

I love rainy days SO MUCH esp if I can just stay at home!!
I do love this dress too!


Unknown said...

i enjoy the rain when i'm prepared for it..which is never, really. I hate getting soaked.

yourstrulydear said...

ok so i love this look but i hate the rain haha. i always have. it does change the mood of things though...

btw thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog. i really do appreciate it. xoxo.

♥ CheChe said...

i feel so comfortable in my skin when it rains. I love the summer and fall but when we rarely get showers here in CALIFORNIA I want nothing more than hot cocoa and a book and to just escape and feel the cold around me with a blanket. I don't know why I am so homely when it rains but I love it. Or going to a late night movie in the rain with a guy... I miss that. I only did it a couple time lol but I loved the feeling..


Gracie said...

You described exactly how I feel when it rains! It's raining right now and I couldn't quite pinpoint my mood. So thank you :)

P.S. Thanks for entering my giveaway!

jackiek said...

i love the rain. i feel different too, but it kind of makes me happy when i see cloudy skies. maybe the fact i have awesome rain boots, love to jump in puddles, and think that a day inside spent reading is lovely :)

Punctuation Mark said...

i love the rain and love listening to it because I find it so relaxing... i feel like when it rains the sky is giving us back some water to nourish ourselves...

Marcie said...

I do feel so different. On one hand, I want to crawl into bed and open the window so I can hear the downpour. On the other, I want to dance in the rain. I love the clear and clean air we get after a good shower.

xo M

Kaitlyn McCall Pieri said...




k said...

i love rain, i think it kind of fits my disposition a tiny bit so i don't mind it at all. just a good excuse to skip my run outside and lay on the couch with a book. or maybe that's called laziness? haha!

Diana Mieczan said...

I do love rain and today is the perfect day for rainy weather as its Friday...and I have an easy day:)
Love that dress...so cute!
Hugs and kisses,sweetie pie

Kristin said...

Yes, rainy days are certainly stay-at-home cozy days. Curling up with a book, soup in the crockpot, lighting some candles, etc. Love it! Now when I can't enjoy the luxury of spending a rainy day in that fashion, it does turn my mood rather blue. It IS sad to be out in the rain. Like the world is crying, so you should be too...

k said...

i grew up in a really rainy town so rain doesn;t really affect me!!it only makes me a little bit sleepy!!you should definately dress in bright colors when it rains to help you keep up the good mood!!


Kathryn said...

When it's grey and drizzly it makes me feel unhappy. But when it rains properly, when the sky opens up and it lashes down, I love it. I'll either sit in the house feeling cosy and safe or I'll go out and get drenched and feel at one with nature, cheesy as that may sound! :)

Kate x

Lily Riani said...

i like after the rain feel.... ver refreshing as if the whole world has taken a shower... very clean.

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

I find that when it rains I feel quite melancholy but not in a depressed kind of way - but in more of a contemplative way ... if that makes any sense!

x Jasmine

Molly Page said...

I looooooove the rain. It makes me feel like I have an excuse to be a little more lazy ...er... relaxed in my planning for the day.

Unknown said...

She would make a great character design.

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